JumpLeap Long-Term Strategic Planning
JumpLeap Long-Term Strategic Planning Podcast
Ep 16 Getting Deep Stakeholder Buy-In to Strategic Plans

Ep 16 Getting Deep Stakeholder Buy-In to Strategic Plans

The challenge of implementation as a prior thought.

You are starting a fresh strategic planning effort but you are concerned that executives are not doing enough to engage stakeholders. From prior experience you know that plans can fall on their face once they are announced.

But what should be done to ensure effective implementation? You have heard a number of ideas, but will they fit the culture of your company? This seems to involve more than just completing a successful retreat and printing out copies of a document.

You need your own approach to engage stakeholders or risk the whole thing becoming a wasted exercise.

Tune into this episode to hear from me and my special guest, Anthony Taylor, as we solve this wicked problem together.

I’m Francis Wade and welcome to the JumpLeap Strategy Long-Term Podcast

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JumpLeap Long-Term Strategic Planning
JumpLeap Long-Term Strategic Planning Podcast
You want to be guided by a long-term, game-changing strategic plan for your business. It should inform your daily actions and help you reach critical milestones. Together, these will create long-term value, grant you a competitive edge and also be good for the planet.
But how do you inspire your colleagues to reach for breakthrough results which transcend rampant short-termism? And how do you discover and use the principles and best practices of long-term strategic planning?
Find answers in every episode.
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